Same steps applied to outpatients, except in greeting as I’ll go to the patients room I’ll ask the nurse to take patient’s permission to get in. Try to avoid visiting and sleeping hours.
Shaza Waggass
1 year ago
Provide rounds done by the guest experience to assess patients’ needs (other than medical service) & evaluate their satisfaction.
Reem Darwich
1 year ago
Inpatient Service Expectations and Recommendations:
Expectations for Healthcare Staff:
1- Obtain permission before entering the patient’s room.
2- Introduce oneself to the patient, including name and profession.
3- Maintain a neat and presentable appearance.
4- Greet the patient with a smile.
5- Ensure privacy when discussing the medical plan.
6- Adhere to dedicated medical round times.
7- Conduct medical rounds in the presence of the charge nurse and dedicated bedside nurse.
8- Review the patient’s investigations before entering the room.
9- Confirm the patient’s understanding of the medical plan and address any questions.
10- Provide an estimated discharge date and discuss a clear discharge plan as soon as possible.
11- Conduct daily guest experience rounds.
12- Facilitate multidisciplinary team discussions before physical rounds.
13- Explain all required procedures to the patient.
14- Inquire about the patient’s comfort and quality of sleep.
15- Display a bedside barcode with all necessary extensions.
16- When discussing the medical plan with the patient, ask any present visitors to wait in the designated waiting area to ensure patient privacy.
17- Maintain quiet hours from 11 pm to 7 am, refraining from disturbing the patient or entering their room unless necessary (no room cleaning, scheduling medications around this period). Implement a noisogram in all clinical areas to minimize loud noise during quiet hours.
18- Maintain a noise-free environment, avoiding laughter during rounds or quiet hours.
19- Provide complimentary dry and wet amenities to both the patient and their companion. Customize patient gowns to resemble pajamas with the hospital logo.
20- Avoid answering mobile phone calls in the patient’s room.
21- Minimize the frequency of blood extractions.
22- Do not neglect patients’ concerns and needs.
23- Refrain from consuming coffee while attending to patients.
24- Avoid rushing through medical rounds, allocating sufficient time to address each patient’s concerns.
25- Ensure consistency in conveying messages to patients by all staff members.
26- Avoid strong odors (e.g., smoke, oud, strong perfumes) during rounds.
Fayza Rayes
1 year ago
لوضع المعايير المناسبة علينا ان نعرف ما الذي يتوقعه المريض من الطبيب
على سبيل المثال:
1. أريد أن يعاملني طبيبي باحترام ولطف ويرحم ضعفي وخوفي
2. أريد ان يزورني طبيبي أو من ينوب عنه مرة يومياً على الأقل
3. أريد أن تكون الزيارة لمدة كافية ولو كان لدي شكوى خاصة ان يسمعني ويحترم خصوصيتي ويقوم بالكشف اللازم
4. أريد أن اعرف باستمرار نتائج الفحوصات وأي تغيير في العلاج ولماذا لا زلت منوماً وما التوقعات ومتى سأخرج؟؟؟
5. لو اشتكيت من أي أعراض في أي وقت وطلبت الطبيب أريد أن يحضر طبيبي أو الطبيب المناوب على الأقل بنفسه ويفحصني حتى اطمئن
6. لو كان المرور لكل الفريق يزعجني أن يطول النقاش حولي وأنا لا أفهم عن ماذا يتحدثون
7. اريد أن يشركني ويحترم رأيي في اتخاذ أي قرار يخص صحتي
Same steps applied to outpatients, except in greeting as I’ll go to the patients room I’ll ask the nurse to take patient’s permission to get in. Try to avoid visiting and sleeping hours.
Provide rounds done by the guest experience to assess patients’ needs (other than medical service) & evaluate their satisfaction.
Inpatient Service Expectations and Recommendations:
Expectations for Healthcare Staff:
1- Obtain permission before entering the patient’s room.
2- Introduce oneself to the patient, including name and profession.
3- Maintain a neat and presentable appearance.
4- Greet the patient with a smile.
5- Ensure privacy when discussing the medical plan.
6- Adhere to dedicated medical round times.
7- Conduct medical rounds in the presence of the charge nurse and dedicated bedside nurse.
8- Review the patient’s investigations before entering the room.
9- Confirm the patient’s understanding of the medical plan and address any questions.
10- Provide an estimated discharge date and discuss a clear discharge plan as soon as possible.
11- Conduct daily guest experience rounds.
12- Facilitate multidisciplinary team discussions before physical rounds.
13- Explain all required procedures to the patient.
14- Inquire about the patient’s comfort and quality of sleep.
15- Display a bedside barcode with all necessary extensions.
16- When discussing the medical plan with the patient, ask any present visitors to wait in the designated waiting area to ensure patient privacy.
17- Maintain quiet hours from 11 pm to 7 am, refraining from disturbing the patient or entering their room unless necessary (no room cleaning, scheduling medications around this period). Implement a noisogram in all clinical areas to minimize loud noise during quiet hours.
18- Maintain a noise-free environment, avoiding laughter during rounds or quiet hours.
19- Provide complimentary dry and wet amenities to both the patient and their companion. Customize patient gowns to resemble pajamas with the hospital logo.
20- Avoid answering mobile phone calls in the patient’s room.
21- Minimize the frequency of blood extractions.
22- Do not neglect patients’ concerns and needs.
23- Refrain from consuming coffee while attending to patients.
24- Avoid rushing through medical rounds, allocating sufficient time to address each patient’s concerns.
25- Ensure consistency in conveying messages to patients by all staff members.
26- Avoid strong odors (e.g., smoke, oud, strong perfumes) during rounds.
لوضع المعايير المناسبة علينا ان نعرف ما الذي يتوقعه المريض من الطبيب
على سبيل المثال:
1. أريد أن يعاملني طبيبي باحترام ولطف ويرحم ضعفي وخوفي
2. أريد ان يزورني طبيبي أو من ينوب عنه مرة يومياً على الأقل
3. أريد أن تكون الزيارة لمدة كافية ولو كان لدي شكوى خاصة ان يسمعني ويحترم خصوصيتي ويقوم بالكشف اللازم
4. أريد أن اعرف باستمرار نتائج الفحوصات وأي تغيير في العلاج ولماذا لا زلت منوماً وما التوقعات ومتى سأخرج؟؟؟
5. لو اشتكيت من أي أعراض في أي وقت وطلبت الطبيب أريد أن يحضر طبيبي أو الطبيب المناوب على الأقل بنفسه ويفحصني حتى اطمئن
6. لو كان المرور لكل الفريق يزعجني أن يطول النقاش حولي وأنا لا أفهم عن ماذا يتحدثون
7. اريد أن يشركني ويحترم رأيي في اتخاذ أي قرار يخص صحتي